21st Annual Brown Lecture In Education Research October 24, 2024, 6:30 PM ET Howard University, Cramton Auditorium  Livestream Available, Reception To Follow Free Public Event #Aerabrownlecture Brown V. Board Of Education And The Democratic Ideals Elise Boddie, University Of Michigan
American Educational Research Association  Free Public Event #Aerabrownlecture 21st Annual Brown Lecture In Education Research Brown V. Board Of Education And The Democratic Ideals October 24, 2024,  6:30 Pm Et Howard University, Cramton Auditorium Livestream Available Reception To Follow, Elise Boddie,  University Of Michigan


  • Welcome to our virtual networking session! The conference networking session will take place from 10:55-11:15am ET
  • To get the ball rolling, we recommend first introducing yourselves briefly and then discussing this question:

“What do you envision and want for the healthcare workforce of the future?" 

  • To leave the room and navigate to another table, click the red hang-up button near the bottom of the screen, and then click the red "Leave Table" button on the left side of the screen. 
  • If the table are occupired and there are more than 16 individuals, please use open networking to facilitate interactive communication.
